Holistic and Experiential Learning about Sexual Happiness
Individual sessions, workshops and events in Oslo
Hi, I'm Eva Shafik!
I am a holistic sexologist, bodyworker, intimacy coach, conscious BDSM practitioner, Shiatsu and Tantric massage therapist. I apply holistic, experiential and practical methods for helping people to cope with sexual dysfunctions and also teach them how to generate extended states of pleasure.

I work with many men, women, couples and non-binary people, who look for answers to deep satisfaction in their intimacy. Thanks to my individual sessions thousands of my clients have experienced natural health improvement and overcome the obstacles that were holding them back from enjoying fulfilled sex life.

While being a hardcore science nerd, I often bring my knowledge of Eastern practices, from Tantra to Traditional Chinese Medicine into my work. Through years of study, I have built and created my complex approach, based on the conscious work with the body, mind and energy system. These methods brought my sexuality and whole life to a new level, and I am glad that I can share this knowledge with other people who want to unfold their potential.
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Upcoming event
I warmly invite you to 'Metamorphosis', a captivating performance by my dear friend Paulina. Don't miss this unique opportunity to witness the mesmerizing interplay of art and body movement.

This evening you can meet an artist working with the traditional techniques like blowing glass, gypsum or paper mache and see both exciting performance and beautiful exhibition.
The exhibited works will be for sale.
• Pavla studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the Czech Republic in a sculpture studio.
• She moves between multiple media, currently working with glass, plaster and 3D technologies.
Her works are inspired by experience with Shibari, ropes and the memory of the body.

The door opens at 17.00
Entrance 500Kr

There is a time for welcomes drink, refreshments, study the exhibited art work, find your place and prepare for the show.
At 18.00 the door closes and the audience will be enchanted by our artist for about 30min.
After the performance there will be time for questions and answers.

Pavlina's art:
ig: pavlinatemcsakova
web: Pavlína Temcsáková
Your True Nature Is Blissful
Many people believe it is of the utmost importance to find the right partner to feel satisfied in their sex lives. But what if I tell you that the greatest source of pleasure lies within ourselves? We have not been trained for sexual bliss, but we can start right now, from where we are. Through my methods, it is possible to transform the nervous system and get the necessary skills to become a truly empowered lover, who feels confidence, pleasure and connection in lovemaking.
Elements of Holistic Sexology
Coaching and Mind Work
Before starting the practical part, I often invite my clients to explore their belief system, thoughts and emotions associated with their sexuality. Social conditioning, upbringing or negative memories can create painful feelings around different aspects of our intimate life. Very often we experience this state as the feeling of "being stuck" in our head that does not allow us to move on. To liberate our mind from inner obstacles I suggest my special methods on mind work that significantly improve emotional state and give you freedom what to think and how to feel about anything in your life.
Somatic Practices
By listening to the body and allowing its wisdom to express and be seen, we become more connected to ourselves and therefore also to others. Using somatic techniques enables us to know the truth of our experience. In my sessions, I can show you how you can use sound, breathing, movement, touch to increase sensitivity and understand what your body communicates to you. By becoming aware of physical sensations and any associated emotional responses we can begin to integrate body and mind into a more cohesive whole which creates a stronger sense of selfhood.
Harmonizing the Energy System
Sex is first of all a matter of energy. The more energy we have, the more ecstatic we can be. In order to resolve the blockages in the body, I use techniques of Shiatsu, that is based on the Chinese medicine. It improves the overall health by affecting the internal energy system. Pressure applied to points on the body promotes energy flow and corrects disharmonies throughout the patient's body. In addition to being a deeply relaxing experience, Shiatsu helps relieve stress, treat pain and illness, and contributes to a patient's overall health and wellbeing.
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